Horn's Dobermans



Hello: My wife + I bought a Puppy from you that you had named “Belle” but we changed her name to the one we liked, “My-Lady Von Horn” but she goes by “Lady” now.    I guess we have had her about three years now. She is our best friend. We also have all the birds I told you about and there is no problem there at all. Lady likes the nuts that the birds toss out of their cages, + sometimes the shells too!! We think she likes the salt on them, or maybe it’s the Honey from the Honey roasted nuts. I took her to school so she walks with us, sits, + will stay there when we ask her to stay. She owns the back yard, + plays with the Kids on both sides of the fence. She still likes to sit in my lap, but only when I am in a certain chair. She is really part of our family now + we love her very much. I guess I will go now, but I just wanted to Thank You one more time for selling us such a great Dog. You people raise the best dog’s in the world + I’m glad we found you. Thanks Again Jay+ Kathy ———- and “Lady”


I thought you would like to see how fast “Beauty” is growing.  She just weighed 74 pounds at the Vet’s office and  just turned 6 months old.  My grandkids ask me, “How big is she going to get, Grandpa” and I say……….Big.  🙂   She’s perfect.  Thank you from Florida


He is my world, he doesn’t leave my side as i don’t leave his. His favortive thing to do besides playing football is riding in my truck. We take a lot of drives together and he just loves his head out the window catching all the smells. He is my best friend and he has made me so happy. Thank you guys so much I really can’t explain how happy you’ve made me!

Just wanted to let you know that we are so happy with our girl. She has fit into our family so well.
There were some days that I would think – “what did I do! I don’t have time for another child.”
But, she is so wonderful with the children that I can only wish we had gotten her sooner. All of them get along so well. Her training is sadly lacking because we are so busy, but she still behaves far better than other dogs her age and older! Just doesn’t like to be long from her “family” – she is so excited to see us as soon as we are back. Even if we are only gone for a short trip of 20 minutes 🙂
Our twin boys are wanting to start training her and it is funny to watch them. She listens more to our 3 year old daughter than to them!
In short – we are thrilled that we bought our doberman from you.
We have friends that are talking of getting a doberman and we encourage them to look you up.
Thank you again for the wonderful care and attention you put into your dogs. It shows in our girl!
Gemma at 5 months 



I wanted to share a few pictures of Gemma.  She is such a sweet girl!!  She is really growing fast.  She has a really good disposition.  My son walks home from school in the afternoon now, and she will be waiting for him.  If we are outside, she just can’t wait for him to cross the street, and start coming up the driveway – she will be there to greet him.  All of his friends love her, and she has a lot of play mates (Human and animal!!)    Everyone that has met her has commented on how sweet she is, and it all goes back to good Breeding and the way you raise them.  Thank you again – we couldn’t be happier !!!!!!





Located in Jefferson City, Missouri Come see us.